Chords, Lyrics + Lessons

The lyrics are most often as original as possible. Chords are where they are supposed to be. . . 

Note: Song titles beginning with “The” will not be filed under “T”, but under the following word. 220 songs so far…

  1. A
  2. After The Goldrush
  3. A Hard Rains Gonna Fall
  4. All Along The Watchtower
  5. All In Down And Out Blues
  6. All I Want
  7. All Night Long
  8. Angel From Montgomery
  9. Ants In My Pants
  10. Are You Ready For The Country


  1. Baby Please Don’t Go
  2. Baby What You Want Me To Do
  3. Bad Moon Rising
  4. Barstool Blues
  5. Been Drinken’ Water Out Of A Hollow Log
  6. Beulah Land
  7. Big Boss Man
  8. Big Railroad Blues
  9. Big Road Blues
  10. Billy Lyons & Stack-O-Lee
  11. Black Cat Bone
  12. Black Muddy River
  13. Black Peter
  14. Blues Stay Away From Me
  15. Blue Yodel
  16. Boogie Chillun’
  17. Boom Boom
  18. Boll Weavil Blues – HP Lange
  19. Bo Weavil
  20. Bulldoze Blues
  21. Bye Bye Baby Blues


  1. Can The Circle Be Unbroken
  2. Candyman Blues (John Hurt)
  3. Candyman (G. Dead)
  4. Casey Jones
  5. Cassidy
  6. Catfish Blues
  7. Catfish John
  8. Cee Cee Rider
  9. Cocaine
  10. Colours
  11. Come On In My Kitchen
  12. Comes A Time
  13. Cool Town Woman
  14. Corrina Corrina
  15. Country Home
  16. Country Honk
  17. Country Roads
  18. Crawling Kingsnake
  19. Crow Jane
  20. Cryin’
  21. Cup Of Sorrow
  22. Cypress Grove


  1. Dark As A Dungeon
  2. Dark Hollow
  3. Dead Flowers
  4. Dear Doctor
  5. Death Don’t Have No Mercy In This Land
  6. Death Letter Blues
  7. Deep Ellem Blues
  8. Deep River Blues
  9. Denomination Blues
  10. Dire Wolf
  11. Dirty Old Town
  12. Divin’ Duck Blues
  13. Don’t Ease Me In
  14. Do The Romp
  15. Downhearted Blues
  16. Down The Dirtroad Blues
  17. Down To The River of Jordan
  18. Driftin’ Too far From The Shore
  19. Drop Down Baby
  20. Drunkards Dream
  21. Dust My Broom


  1. Easy Wind


  1. Fare Thee Well Blues
  2. Far From Home
  3. Fishermans Blues
  4. Fishin’ Blues
  5. Fixin’ To Die Blues
  6. Floating Bridge
  7. France Blues (Lordy Mama)
  8. France Chance
  9. Frankie & Albert (Johnny)
  10. Friend Of The Devil