Twenty-Twenty Blues
– Big Creek Slim (Marc Koldkjær Rune)
Released 2021-04-03
This is one of two albums released together on the Straight Shooter label and with partly the same topic. Let’s be straight from the beginning; this is just as raw and unpolished as it comes. Barking, howling blues from the very heart of a tormented soul. Most numbers have a certain attack, a bite, that corresponds well with the statement above. But this the statement goes for the “softer” numbers as well. It is not muzac, it not elevator music, it is not songs that one plays as one is doing one’s daily chores. It is 13 songs that touches ones very soul, that affects you!
All the songs are from his own pen and he plays them alone. Plays them on his old worn guitar, found on a friend’s attic. It’s often slightly out of tune in a way that takes one back to the Delta in the early days when there was no other means of tuning an instrument than one’s ears. It’s genuine.
As hinted in the title, the whole album is related to the year 2020 and the prevalent corona pandemic. How it spread from China to the troubles with the vaccine.
I will not write about the individual songs; the listener must be allowed to hear them unaffected.