“Shadow and Shapes” – Trainman Blues

By Johnny Petersen

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Release date 21/21/03.


This is the second album of Trainman Blues – a Danish project created by Irishman composer/singer/guitarist Richard Farell and producer/basist Laust ‘Krudtmejer’ Nielsen.
They also engage some of Copenhagens finest musicians in the trade:
Harp – Peter Nande; Guitar – Ronni Boysen; Guitar – Rune Højmark; Drums – Thomas Crawfurd; Drums – Lars Heiberg Andersen; Organ/Würlitzer – Christian Jørgensen; Slide guitar – Alain Apaloo; Saxophone – Yves Moffre; Harmonies – Cecilia Andersen. 
First spontaneous impression: 
The first impression that strikes the listener is the unusual quality and tone of Farell and the tasteful arrangement of the music. Never too much, never too little. The voice takes one back to the Motown sound in the late sixties as well as Memphis in the thirties, be it male or female singers. Nina Simone comes to mind. Like track 12, “Find My Wings.” 
Track 11, “I Cried” brings on a mood of the chaingangs that chills one to the bone, without being an old replica. 
At a second listening only confirms the first; it’s a gem!
The album opens up with Losing Time, a power ballad that sets the mood for the rest of the show.
The title album, track 6, raises the question: is it blues, is it soul? How ever, its breath taking.
This album won’t let nobody down with it’s blend of blues, soul and funk!
Shadow and Shapes is relased on CD, Vinyl and Digitally on all the major streaming services.